
Ellmax Electronics Ltd is a supplier of fibre-optics, electronics, and telecommunications test and training equipment.

Ellmax Electronics Ltd supplies the Emona range of hardware and software products, including the TIMS telecommunications training system which is designed for university level telecommunications, signal processing, and Signals and Systems courses. TIMS is a modular, expandable hardware system covering the vast majority of analogue and digital modulation and coding techniques, from the basic schemes to advanced concepts such as Convolutional Coding and Decoding, Trellis Coded Modulation and Demodulation, CDMA Encoding and Decoding, Signals & Systems, Frequency Hop Spread Spectrum, DSP, MSK, OQPSK, UWB, OFDM, advanced OFDM, SDR, Turbo coding, and IoT (Internet of Things). A stand-alone DSP development and training system, the TIMS-DSP-6713, is also available. The TIMS range includes a version of the TIMS hardware which is accessible over the web.

The Emona range includes a comprehensive telecommunications and Signals & Systems teaching software product called TutorTIMS Cloud.

A lower-cost hardware product, the ETT-101 Telecoms-Trainer, also manufactured by Emona Instruments, is also available. The ETT101 (known as biskitTM) is a single board trainer, and covers a broad range of analogue and digital experiments, including all the basic modulation schemes, and also includes sampling, PCM encoding and decoding, line coding, data recovery in a noisy channel, eye patterns, QAM, BPSK, DPSK, QPSK, and frequency synthesis. Add-on Experiment Boards including various Fiber Optics Boards, QPSK, Software Defined Radio, line coding and PLL, BER, Signals & Systems, and an Electronic Circuits Project Board are also available for the ETT-101. netTIMS-FreeWire is a new multi-user, remote access telecommunications hardware training system, allowing at least 30 students to simultaneously log on to their own unique experiment.

Emona’s netCIRCUITlabs analog and digital electronics circuit training product for distance learning is supplied by Ellmax Electronics Ltd. These fully self-contained electronics labs trainers are based on real electronics circuits which can be accessed online via LAN or the internet by 30 or more students at the same time using a PC, laptop, or tablet using a web browser.  Each student can access and control any one of the multiple experiments on the plug-in applications board at any time, and there are built-in instruments including oscilloscope, spectrum analyser, cursor measurements, and full function signal generator.  Experiments include Basic Analogue and Op Amp circuit experiments and Combinational Logic experiments, and cover basic circuit theory, transistor circuits, AC amplifiers, feedback circuits, differential amplifiers, SCR circuits, OTL power amplifiers, op-amp circuits, waveform generators, resonant circuits & filters, digital logic gates, and combinational logic. The netCIRCUITlabs system enables students to get hands-on experience of electronics circuitry using actual hardware rather than a simulation.

netTIMS-FreeWire and netCIRCUITlabs may be accessed through cloudTIMS, a hardware subscriptions service which uses Emona’s Server Farm in Sydney, Australia.

Emona’s boards for NI ELVIS are also available. These include Communications, Signals & Systems, and Fibre Optics boards.

Ellmax Electronics Ltd supplies a range of HU-125 Bare Fiber Alignment Modules. These HU125 devices, also known as Multipurpose Pigtails, are used for making OTDR and other measurements on singlemode or multimode bare fibres in development, production, and installation environments. Losses of these bare fiber adapters are below 0.3dB. Options include HU-125-SM singlemode, HU-125-MM multimode (62.5/125 or 50/125 cable), FC, SC, or ST connectors, UPC or APC, standard cable length of 1.4 metres or optional cable length of 3 metres. These HU125SM and HU125MM bare fibre alignment modules or bare fibre adaptors are time saving devices which are easy to use and long lasting. An HU-125/80 option incorporates a cable with 80micron (i.e. 80um) diameter fiber for measurements on 80µm (micron or um) bare fibers. Download and print a datasheet on the HU 125 Bare Fibre Alignment Modules.

Ellmax Electronics Ltd supplies Ritel’s comprehensive range of collet knobs, which are available in various sizes, designs, and colours, and come with full accessories. Short knobs, double knobs with coaxial collets, push-on knobs, soft-touch knobs, and 4mm terminals are also included in the range. Download a short-form brochure on Ritel’s products. An alternative short-form brochure with KX prefixed part numbers is also available, and this may be downloaded here.

Biskit is a registered trademarks of Emona TIMS Pty Ltd.



Ellmax Electronics Ltd., London, UK

Email: ellmaxelec@aol.com or ellmax@ellmaxelec.com

Tel: +44 (0)7986263085



Ó  Ellmax Electronics Limited 1983-2025